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"When it comes to online threats, parentsneed to be concerned about more than just their child running into inappropriatecontent," said Norton Internet safety advocate Marian Merritt. The findings were derived from14.6 million searches conducted between February 2 and December 4 by users of afree OnlineFamily.Norton service that parents can use to filter or monitor theirchildren's Internet use. Girls were also interested in online socialnetworking websites, but their top 25 searches leaned more toward music, movies,celebrities, and television shows. Moms and dads often feel awkward when it comes to talking about puberty and. Boys' top 25searches centered on social networking, games, shopping, and "adult terms,"according to Norton. Answering kids questions about sex is a responsibility that many parents dread. Think about: If having sex is something you really want to do, or something you’re being pressured to do. "These terms should raise a red flag to parents if theyhaven't had 'The Talk' with their children about content that may not beappropriate for kids," Symantec said in a release. The emotional and physical risks youre willing to take. Hudson is accused of uploading a video of himself having anal sex with a child to a porn website, according to a probable cause statement released by FMPD.

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on hot-button issues related to sexuality and sexuality education. While the top three search terms for Internetusers under the age of 18 were YouTube, Google, and Facebook, the words "porn"and "sex" took the next two positions, based on data from Symantec-ownedNorton. In fact, sex education and parent-child communication about sexuality are associated. Sex was a hot online search topic forchildren in 2009, according to findings released Thursday by Internet securityspecialty firm Norton.

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